Money Exchange robber shot dead in Bali by Police

money exchange robber shot dead in Bali
money exchange robber shot dead in Bali

Denpasar, Bali Indonesia 22 Mar – money exchange robber shot dead in Bali – 3 armed men broke into a currency exchange office and beat several employees unconscious.

The police confronted the Russian suspects who had fled, and when they resisted arrest and attempted to attack the officers.

In a Facebook post on March 21st, the Russian Emabassy in Indonesia confirmed one of its citizens was shot dead in Bali during a fight with police who were trying to arrest them, and two others – 1 Ukrainian and 1 Russian – were detained.

The embassy said the trio were suspected of robbing another money changer in December and in another incident, stealing weapons.

Nearly US$70,000 in Indonesian rupiah and US currency were reportedly stolen, according to police, who named the dead man as 45-year-old Alexei Korotkikh.

Arrests for violent crime are rare in Bali, which attracts millions of visitors to its palm-fringed beaches every year.

Foreigners are often arrested for drugs offences.

In January, police apprehended four Bulgarians accused of skimming bank card data at several ATM machines.

First reported in AFP/ec Photo: AFP/Sonny Tumbelaka

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