Djokovic freed and thankful, back to tennis practice for AusOpen

Djokovic freed and thankful, back to tennis practice for AusOpen
Djokovic freed and thankful, back to tennis practice for AusOpen

Djokovic freed and thankful, back to tennis practice for AusOpen – after Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly ordered earlier Monday that Djokovic be released from immigration detention and have his visa reinstated, the World Tennis #1 tweeted a picture of him on court in Melbourne.

However, Australia’s immigration minister Alex Hawke is still considering revoking Djokovic’s visa using powers granted to him within section 133C(3) of the Australia’s Migration Act. Mr Hawke’s spokesperson said that the decision is still an “ongoing process”, and that a decision is expected to be made in the next 48 hours.

Djokovic freed and thankful, back to tennis practice for AusOpen
Djokovic freed and thankful, back to tennis practice for AusOpen

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