Vigil across Australia for murdered indigenous teen Cassius Turvey

Vigil across Australia for murdered indigenous teen Cassius Turvey
Vigil across Australia for murdered indigenous teen Cassius Turvey

Vigil across Australia for murdered indigenous teen Cassius Turvey – if you’re in Australia, you might have seen thousands of Australians turned out for vigils in towns and cities across the country to mourn the death of Noongar-Yamatji schoolboy Cassius Turvey.

The 15-year-old boy was walking home from school in Perth on October 13 when he was allegedly beaten with a metal pole. He was initially discharged from hospital but returned after suffering seizures. He was placed into an induced coma but later died.

“To say that Cassius was in the ‘wrong place, wrong time’ is insensitive to say the least and apologetic toward the accused man at worst. The statement by Commissioner Col Blanch about the alleged murder of Cassius Turvey was, to be frank, atrocious, and should be retracted with an apology at the very least” A serving indigenous officer called on Commissioner Blanch to retract his comments about the alleged murder of Cassius Turvey.

A statement from Mechelle Turvey, Cassius’s mother was read out at Wednesday’s vigils. “I don’t want any more violence … I want calm and peace. I don’t want to fuel prejudices, biases. I don’t want to fuel stereotypes of First Nations people as violent. The answer I want is why?”

Friends and family have described Cassius as a “teddy bear” with an infectious smile who was “larger than life”.

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