Video – Large Rock at Furnas Lake fell onto tourists boats

Video - Large Rock at Furnas Lake fell onto tourists boats
Video - Large Rock at Furnas Lake fell onto tourists boats

Video – Large Rock at Furnas Lake fell onto tourists boats in Brazil, leaving 10 dead. Dramatic video footages by other tourists in the lake captured the collapse of a rock off the cliff, onto the boats.

Video - Large Rock at Furnas Lake fell onto tourists boats
Large Rock at Furnas Lake fell onto tourists boats

Video footages on Twitter were retweeted by President Jair Bolsonaro, who said that officials would “investigate the causes and circumstances” of this deadly accident. It would be advisable to keep tourists further away from the cliffs during the rainy season in order to avoid future incidents, he said.


Authorities said that more than 30 people were injured, including 9 who had to be hospitalized.

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