Deadly Earthquake in West Java Indonesia

Deadly Earthquake in West Java Indonesia
Deadly Earthquake in West Java Indonesia

Deadly Earthquake in West Java Indonesia – the 5.6-magnitude, earthquake struck western Indonesia Monday, killing at least 162 people and injuring hundreds in Cianjur in West Java. Death tolls and number of injuries are expected to rise, and Direct Relief is coordinating with local organizations assessing medical needs.

Deadly Earthquake in West Java Indonesia
Deadly Earthquake in West Java Indonesia

Hundreds of structures were destroyed or damaged in the highly populated area, where landslides are frequent. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured Monday’s 1:21 pm local time earthquake at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles), and rated as Significant Estimate Population Exposure, numbering up to 50,000.

“We managed to evacuate a woman and a baby alive, but the other one passed away. That’s the only thing I can share for now,” Cianjur police chief Doni Hermawan told broadcaster Metro TV, AFP reported.

Many of the dead were school students who had finished their classes for the day and were taking extra lessons at Islamic schools when they collapsed, said West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil as he announced the death toll in the remote area. Very heartbreaking and tragic.

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