Travelling to catch the Perseid meteor shower?

Travelling to catch the Perseid meteor shower
Travelling to catch the Perseid meteor shower

Travelling to catch the Perseid meteor shower? There is some bad news – the Sturgeon bright full moon will likely hinder those hoping to catch a glimpse of the meteor shower.

Meteors are best spotted with a dark sky. Usually, a new moon is best and away from light pollution. In this case, the supermoon won’t make good sky-gazing conditions for the Perseids.

The August moon will officially be turning full Thursday night, 11th August, and will also be 100% full when it rises in the sky Friday night on 12th August.

According to the Farmers’ Almanac – Algonquin tribes fished for sturgeons during August, thus giving August’s full moon that name. It also says August’s full moon is called the Green Corn moon and the Grain moon to mark the start of the harvest season.

Here are some tips for watching the Perseids:

  • Focus on dark areas of the sky without the moon in sight
  • Don’t look at any sources of light, such as cell phone screens
  • Meteor shower is active all night, but best after midnight

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