8th Nov timing in US, Australia – Blood moon Lunar Eclipse

8th Nov timing in US, Australia - Blood moon Lunar Eclipse
8th Nov timing in US, Australia - Blood moon Lunar Eclipse

8th Nov timing in US, Australia – Blood moon Lunar Eclipse is the last for 2022, and is not just any blood moon as it is also a lunar eclipse. In Astrology, this tends to signify a huge transformational path.

A lunar eclipse happens when the moon travels through the Earth’s shadow as it rotates around the Earth. If the moon only partly makes it into the shadow, that’s a partial eclipse. In a total eclipse, the moon becomes fully immersed and takes on a reddish/orange glow.

If you’re residing or travelling in US and Australia for these dates, here are the timings you should take note of in order to catch the Blood moon Lunar Eclipse.

Blood moon lunar eclipse timeline for 8th Nov 2022

Milestone EST PST GMT
Penumbral eclipse begins 3:02 am 12:02 am 0802
Partial eclipse begins 4:09 am 1:09 am 0909
Totality begins 5:17 am 2:17 am 1017
Totality ends 6:42 am 3:42 am 1142
Partial eclipse ends Moon has set 4:49 am 1249
Penumbral eclipse ends Moon has set 5:50 am 1350
Source: NASA


Tuesday’s “blood moon” eclipse will begin at 3:02 am EST (0803 GMT) when the moon begins to enter the outermost region of Earth’s shadow. You’ll have to adjust the time for your time zone (it begins at 12:02 am PST for observers on the US West Coast, for example). While this marks the official beginning of the lunar eclipse, it can be hard to see as the Earth’s penumbral shadow is very slight.

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Read more about 8th Nov timing in US, Australia – Blood moon Lunar Eclipse at https://www.hernandosun.com/2022/11/06/full-beaver-moon-full-blood-moon-and-the-lunar-eclipse/