Volcano Mauna Loa erupts in Hawaii after 38 years

Volcano Mauna Loa erupts in Hawaii after 38 years
Volcano Mauna Loa erupts in Hawaii after 38 years

Volcano Mauna Loa erupts in Hawaii after 38 years – travellers to the US island island should note that Monday’s eruption wasn’t immediately threatening communities on Hawaii’s Big Island, but officials warned residents to be ready for worse.

Residents posted beautiful pictures on social media as the volcano erupted in the dark and continued into the sunrise. Based on past events, the early stages of a Mauna Loa rift zone eruption can be very dynamic, and the location and advance of lava flows can change rapidly.

The eruption of Mauna Loa, which means “long mountain” in Hawaiian, erupted at approximately 11:30 p.m. local time on Sunday. The eruption has migrated from the summit to the Northeast Rift Zone where fissures are feeding several lava flows.

HVO staff on an overflight at approximately 6:30 a.m. HST confirmed fissures at high elevations within Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park are feeding lava flows upslope of the Mauna Loa Weather Observatory. Lava flows are not threatening any downslope communities and all indications are that the eruption will remain in the Northeast Rift Zone. Volcanic gas and possibly fine ash and Pele’s Hair may be carried downwind.

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Read more about Volcano Mauna Loa erupts in Hawaii after 38 years at https://www.usgs.gov/observatories/hvo/news/vanvona-mauna-loa-redwarning-eruption-moved-northeast-rift-zone